Red Light Night: How to Spot AI in Art

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

The Springfield Area Arts Council presents Red Light Night, a series of discussions on provocative topics within the arts led by guest lecturers and panelists on select evenings. These sessions serve as a platform to explore a variety of themes that are prevalent in the art communities. Presentations are free, accessible, and open to the public.

Local artists Cee Jones, Devin Larson, and Bri Skeels will present an engaging lecture that delves into the thought-provoking topic of art’s relationship with artificial intelligence. Presenters will guide the audience through a series of discussions that explore AI’s impact, challenges, and possibilities in art. The presenters will discuss the historical context, legal ramifications, and ethical considerations of AI-generated art. Audience members will engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the ethical dilemmas posed by AI art and are asked to consider: Is AI truly creative?

Attendees will learn practical techniques for identifying AI-generated artworks. They will gain insights into understanding the subtle cues and telltale signs that distinguish AI-created imagery from traditional art. Audience members are encouraged to ask questions, share their perspectives, and contribute to the discourse.

The views and opinions expressed at Red Light Night are strictly those of the presenter(s), and do not necessarily represent the Springfield Area Arts Council’s staff, Board of Directors, sponsors, members, and affiliates.