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Bird Box by Josh Malerman

Malorie didn't believe there was something out there at first. Her sister tried to warn her. Incidents of suicide and madness were popping up around the world but nothing close to home. Until their parents stopped answering the phone. Then there were cases occurring in their city. Finally, pregnant and scared, Malorie finds her sister in the bathroom in a pool of blood. Thus starts a frightening tale of unknowns and survival.

Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann

Alice is generally pretty happy. She has two best friends who are about to get married, a summer job at her local library, an undeclared college major, and a supportive if overbearing and judgmental family. But things get shaken up when she gets a new coworker, Takumi, who she is instantly attracted to. He's off-the-charts cute, smart, sweet, and funny, and he seems to like her back. There's just one problem-- Alice is asexual, and her previous attempts at relationships have all gone... badly.

Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles by Mark Russell

Snagglepuss, a famous Broadway playwright in 1953's America, is called before the House Un-American Activities Committee for potential subversion of the government with his performances. He denies it. Behind his fantastic life, however, Snagglepuss is living a hidden life as a homosexual man, with a sham marriage to a woman who knows his secret, and a boyfriend who he meets regularly at a bar. While he tries to get his latest production off the ground, HUAC refuses to let him go and hunts for some proof of their claims, hoping to turn the playwright into an example and ruin his career.

Crown of Coral and Pearl by Maria Rutherford

In the village of Varenia, all girls are trained to be the most beautiful and charming, so that they may be chosen at the ceremony to marry the prince of Ilara. Nor and her identical twin sister Zadie are born undoubtedly as the most beautiful in Varenia, but a childhood incident gives Nor a small scar on her face. In a village that believes the beauty of a woman is all she has, this scar makes her damaged goods. This takes the burdens of being perfect off of her, allowing her to help her family as the village begins to suffer.

Good Omens by Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s Good Omens sees the long foretold coming of the Antichrist, which is a big problem, not just for all the people caught in the way of Armageddon, but for the angel Aziraphale, and the demon Crowley, Heaven and Hell’s representatives on the mortal plane. Both have grown rather accustomed to the comforts of the world, and, scheming together, they hatch a plot to stop the end of the world.